Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Casting, RI Citizens 4 Arts, Call for entries, "My Providence contest", Acting classes

RIFC masthead
 April 20, 2011
LDI Casting looking for extras

Although there will be other opportunities for background work - we are currently seeking some people with specific looks.

Please review this list - if you are good to go...drop a note and a picture.

(if you think we have your picture, let me know that first - and if I can't find it for some reason, I'll let you know)


Here's what they want photos for:


Male - 40+ Caucasian - Rugged
Shoots - Thursday - April 28

Boys - 12-14 years old who have SAILING/CANOEING EXPERIENCE
Shoots - Thursday - April 28
Shoots - Thursday - May 19

6th grade students - boys and girls
Shoots - Friday - April 29

Boys - to portray 14-17 years old
Attitude... punk...bad seed
Shoots Friday - May 6

We will eventually need a boy (12-14) who knows morse code.
anyone?... hello?
...- - -...

and 2 Salty Fishermen - 70+

For more information contact: www.ldicasting.net
RI Citizens for the Arts needs our help
From the desk of Lisa Carnevale, Executive Director for RI Citizens for the Arts:
Most of you know by now the tenuous situation RI CFA has found ourselves in financially.  We announced on March 1 to our organization partners, if we do not raise $20K by the end of this month, we will no longer be able to continue spearheading the advocacy efforts for the arts, lobbying at the State House, and working to protect RISCA funds and programs.  We asked for your help.

Since this call, many of you have taken action to reach out to your constituents and generate much needed funds towards our goal.  THANK YOU!  We are just over 1/2 way there, and I am happy to announce we have received a $5000 anonymous matching donation (from a former RI CFA board member). 

Can you help us reach this match?  If you have not already sent a note to your board, executive committee, constituents, etc., now is the ideal time to do so, and use this $5000 match as an incentive to get membership dollars into RI CFA.  Should there be an opportunity for follow up as part of your efforts to date, this can act as a perfect reason to do so and communicate again with your constituents.  For quick access, our membership page with paypal link is here: http://www.ri4arts.org/member.htm

RI CFA has talked to a number of non-profit organizations that have yet to become members.  Board members have put our personal requests to their networks to bring in memberships.  Letters are out, calls are being made.  We are getting there.  But we need this final push to bring it all home!  Thank you again for all your support.  And please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
RI Citizens for the Arts is a non-profit arts advocacy organization working in Rhode Island for the benefit of all artists and arts organizations, as well as for the benefit of the community-at-large.


RIACTS looking for entries


RIACTSRI Animated Cartoon Television Symposium will be having their Fifth Television, Film and Animated Cartoon Festival called The RIACTS Southern New England Independent Film Festival on October 8th and 9th 2011 at the Mainstay Inn in Newport, RI. 


They are seeking Entries from local Film, Television Concept and Animated Cartoon Creators. There is No fee to place an Entry. They will be again offering a $500.00 Cash Prize to the Best Entry.

Please contact Joseph Burke at 401-841-0353 or E-Mail ayersrockcomm@verizon.net for more Info .


My Providence contest 

my prov  

Collaborater needed for film about the IMH

David Turner is interested in finding out if anyone in our group might be interested in collaborating with him on a project about the IMH.  As an former employee, he was granted access and took a variety of different photos of the now sealed underground tunnels.  He would like to show  these images during interviews, & get the comments from former IMH employees, families of people who were residents there, etc.


If interested in discussing this with him, his e-mail address is:  


This is not an RIFC production.
Rhode Island Film Collaborative
172 Exchange St. Pawtucket, RI
To submit information for distribution, go to www.rifcfilms.com/blast.aspx
In This Issue
LDI Casting
RI Citizens for the Arts
Call for entries
My Providence Contest
IMH film need collaborator
Acting/Auditioning classes
Documentary group
Save the dates
Upcoming Class-Auditioning and Acting in Front of the Camera with Carolyn Pickman - starting next week!



Tuesdays, April 26- May 17, 2011

6:30 - 9:00

  RIFC, 172 Exchange St. Pawtucket
3rd floor


Instructor Carolyn Pickman

Guest Instructor Michael Corrente


Price:  $209

Description This course addresses the question, "How do I give an exceptional audition?"



Get the call back, book the job - or just learn to work the camera like a pro. Practice and insightful coaching are the keys to improving your ability to work with the camera, and your comfort with it.

Carolyn Pickman brings actual audition material from television commercials, corporate videos, and film scripts. Participants will be videotaped in a mock audition setting at each class. Students will review the videos and learn to prepare, and adjust their performances for the camera, take direction, and learn tricks of the trade - both in auditioning successfully, and in effectively conveying character and presence through the lens of the camera.

Carolyn walks you through auditioning step-by-step, pointing out the pitfalls to avoid and giving an insider's view on what industry pros look for. Students are welcome to repeat this course - different material is always added.


To sign up, go to: rifcfilms.com/education.aspx

Documentary Group Thursday, April 21
at 7 pm

Reminder: that the Documentary Group is having a special meeting this Thursday. We'll be looking at Christian DeRezendes' "Thinking through the Drink," which explores the filmmaking projects funded by RIDOT last Summer,
We'll have guest filmakers from The 989 Project seeking advice on allocating the budget of an upcoming documentary they'll be producing next month.  
We'll also be discussing other activities the Documentary Group can take on in the next few months.  
Although this make-up meeting isn't on the usual "first Thursday", it's still at 7pm and will take place at RIFC, 172 Exchange St. Pawtucket (follow signs to the Gamm Theater - our door is right next to theirs).
Hope you can join us!

SAVE THE DATES for the 48!


The RI Film Collaborative is pleased to announce that we've been gearing up for this year's Providence 48 HourFilm Project! 

Here are the dates & times for our events, running from May through September, so that you can save the dates in your calendar.


RIFC SPRING TALENT SHOWCASE -Mon, May 23 @ The Comedy Connection,

39 Warren Ave, Ea. Providence:

Actors, Singers, Musicians, Dancers, Martial Artists & other performers

will have the chance to audition & showcase their craft in front of PVD48HFP team leaders, as well as directors & producers of indie film,

theater & music companies from the northeast, as well as our local celebrity judges, the cast of NBC 10's Rhode Bytes! There will also be technical stations for DPs & other crew to showcase their talents. Drinks

& light food available for purchase. Doors open at 7 PM; no cover.


THE BEST 48HFP DOUBLE FEATURE - Sun, June 23 @ The Spot Underground,15 Elbow St,Providence :

Come see the best 48HFP films the world has to offer! First, we screen the Best of 48 HFP 2010, with films from London, Rome, Johannesburg & Buffalo, among others. Then, we screen the Best of the First 10 Years, a special collection in commemoration of 10 years of film, 48 hours at a time. The Spot Underground has food & drink available for purchase.

Doors open at 6:30 for a 7 PM start.


@ Pawtucket Armory Center for the Arts, 172 Exchange St, Pawtucket:

On Friday, representatives from all registered teams will converge on this spot, draw film genres from a hat & learn the common elements -- character, prop & line -- they must use in their film. Then,they're off, trying to make the best 4-7min film in 48hrs!  Doors will open at 6 PM & the clock starts at 7.  They have until 7:30 Sunday to come back to this spot with a finished product.

THE PREMIERE SCREENINGS - July 19-21 (addtional dates TBD)

@ Cinema World - Lincoln Mall, 

622 Geo. Washington Hwy, Lincoln:

Come see all the films created for the PVD48HFP 2011 on the big screen!

Teams will be assigned to different screening groups (TBD, check our websites for info); you can come support your team at one screening or come to every screening & see them all! Q&A with the filmmakers will happen after each screening.


That night we re-screen films chosen by our panel of judges as the best that Providence has to offer the 48HFP, followed by an award ceremony; trophies will be given to award-winners in all categories, from audience favorite

in each individual screening to the top prize, Best Film! Q&A with the filmmakers will happen after the screening. Afterwards, come share food & drink with the filmmakers; all RIFC members & film fans are welcome!


48 DAYS LATER - Sun, Sept. 25

@ The Spot Underground

An event unique to Providence.  Filmmakers are invited to continue working on their 48HFP submissions: if you had to cut a scene, to fit it in the 7min. time limit, you can put it back in; if you didn't have time to make certain color corrections, make them now; if the sound doesn't quite sync up, fix it!.  Do whatever you want (except make it feature length).

Keep checking the websites at


& http://www.rifcfilms.com

Also, don't forget that we now have a Twitter account; come follow us at


We look forward to seeing you at this

year's Providence 48HFP!

This email was sent to webdevelopment2.rifcevents2011@blogger.com by info@rifcfilms.com |  
Rhode Island Film Collaborative | 951 North Main St. | Providence | RI | 02904


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